Month: December 2019

What Is SEO? A Simple Guide to Search Engine Optimization

If you are looking for promoting your website or interested in digital marketing, you must know what actually is SEO. If you are beginner then this SEO in Nepal guide will help you to know about digital marketing in detail.

What is SEO?

“SEO” stands for Search Engine Optimization. It’s process of getting your business website on the top of the organic result pages.

For example, you have a trekking website and have a product Everest Base Camp Trekking. You want your website come to first position when someone searches Everest Base Camp Trek. If the search engine shows your page on the top, that is what the seo means.

The organic seo is almost 100% free and the chances to get visitors is high. But, doing seo is not a easy task and takes time.

Why do you need SEO?

The traditional type of marketing like (SMS, TV, radio and print ads) are outdated now. These are expensive than the digital marketing. Now, people are active on digial media and search engines to search any services or products of their interest. So, we need to focus on the SEO.

Search engine optimization is the most effective way to generate the targeted visitors to your business website. You will get potential customers through online marketing if you do seo correctly. A good seo strategy can boost your business and increase the productivity.

What are Search Engines?

In basic, search engines are search and answer machines. It reads all the contents, images, videos and web pages available on internet processing (crawling and indexing). Then it publishes the contents matching the query input by visitors in a order 1-10 in 1 page.

What is a Keyword?

Keyword is simply a phrase or word that the user type in search engines. People use it to search something in internet.

The keyword plays a vital role in SEO as it is used to find your business website online.

For example, if a visitor from other country than Nepal wants to trek in Nepal, he/she might search for Nepal Trekking, Trekking in Nepal, Nepal Trekking Packages or Nepal Trekking Company like this.

So, to make your website visible on search engines, you must place these keywords on your title and Meta description tag. Hence the search engines read it and displays on the SERP.

Only setting the keywords on the title and Meta Description is not done. You must have keyword density on your page content but don’t overwrite it.

Top 4 SEO Trends in 2020

Seo has become so difficult in 2019 that search engines are becoming more and more intelligent. Google has now displaying the results most practical as visitors search for certain queries.

For this reason, you should be aware of seo trends in 2019 for best practices.

1. Featured Snippets

Whenever you search for any query, you may see the answers to your queries just above the result pages which is called as Featured Snippets.

You can see the featured snippets like texts, lists, table, prices and images as per the query. This will have an important role in 2019 for seo. Google displays the relavant and quality excerpts that come from different websites related to user’s question.

Featured snippets result is google’s 0 position results. It is considered as the trustworthy and relavant to the query that visitors search for.

If you want to get your website traffic more and more, focus on featured snippets. For this, your content must be more strategic and quality that google can trust. You will have better ranking if your website content is good enough that google can use it. Apart this, your website structure should be well defined and clear.

2. Structured data

For better ranking on SERP, your website structure date plays a vital role. Google uses structured date to create rich snippets. These rich snippets oviously increases the click-through rate for your website. For this you should mark up your content in the best way. Your website data, rating starts, opening hours are the examples of rich snippets that google shows in SERP.

3. User Experience

User experience is the most important factor of search engine ranking. If your website is not optimized as per the user experience, you may loose visitors or increases the bounce rate of your website.

For user experience, you can optimize your website as
Page Speed
For the better ranking, you must optimize the loading time of your web page. Visitors generally go away of your website if your website load speed is more than 4s.

Relevant content
Your website should have the relevant quality content if you want to make your website visible on search engines. You must write the best content that are informative and helpful to visitors.

Mobile optimization
Today, about 60% of the visitors come from mobile devices. So, you must optimize your website for smartphones or tablets.

4. Voice search

Nowadays, people user their smartphone to search something on their favorite search engines. According to Emarketer, people spend an average amount of 3 hours and 30 minutes time on their smartphones every day. They use the search engines searching out the answers of their queries.

According to Comscore, about 40% of the adults use voice search instead of typing queries on search engines. So voice search in 2019 will become more prompt and trending. You must optimize your website for the voice search in 2019 for better results.

For voice search, you must follow some guidelines that works in real.
Focus on Long-tail keywords
People search for a question or a sentence instead of short keywords when they use voice search. So, you must focus on long tail keywords that would be beneficial to rank in search engines.

Provide answers
People generally use voice search for a question starting with what, why, when, how etc so focus on Question-Answer. Think about the fresh and updated answers that addresses the queries searched by visitors. Create questions and answers about your products and services that could a visitor may search for.