Month: July 2020

What is Cloud Computing? Some benefits of Cloud Computing

If you want to learn about basic cloud computing and some benefits of cloud computing. Then this blog post will help you to know about some basic cloud computing and its benefits.

What is Cloud Computing?
Cloud is generally used to describe servers, about the large cloud, data center which is available to many users over the internet. Cloud talk about multiple locations from central servers.
It is simply known as the delivery of cloud computing services to client or person whoever needs it including services like:
1. Servers
2. Networking
3. Software
4. Intelligence
5. Databases

Cloud computing gives flexible resources like people can increase resources whenever they want and decrease resources is known as Scalability.
Clouds are available to a single company or organization which is enterprise clouds or be available to more companies or organizations which is known as the public cloud.

Some benefits of cloud computing

1. Good Performance
Cloud Computing services are run globally which are daily upgraded to the latest version of fast and efficient computing systems.

2. Reliability
Cloud computing gives a good service so cloud computing makes a data backup, data recovery and makes business easier in less expensive.

3. Fast/Speed
Main services of cloud computing services are provided to fast and more flexibility to the users so that users can easily access it.

4. Scalability
Clients can easily scale up and scale down their operation and memory/storage needs quickly change as their needs.

5. Security
About cloud one thing is good that is full-time monitor security and make the backup for each and every change of the client, which is significantly more good and more efficient than a house system.

Author : Rohit Khadgi – Genesis Web Technology

What is WordPress? Some Benefits of using the WordPress Platform

If you are looking for developing your website or blog posts in WordPress. You must know what actually is WordPress. If you are a beginner then this blog post will help you to know about WordPress

What is WordPress?

Table of Contents

  1. What is WordPress?
  2. What is Content Management System?
  3. What are Blog posts?
  4. What are posts in WordPress?
  5. What are Pages in WordPress?
  6. What are the Benefits of using the WordPress Platform?

WordPress is a content management system used to develop and maintain websites which is written in PHP and paired with an MYSQL database.

WordPress provides a web-based user interface for publishing, updating, and designing websites.

If WordPress built-in capabilities or features are not sufficient for your needs, you can install different plug-ins that provide extra features.

If you don’t want to develop your website using WordPress built-in theme then you can install or activate different theme that looks better and give extra features.

What is Content Management System?

A content management system (CMS) is an application or software which is used to manage, creation and modification of digital web content.

Content management systems are typically used for enterprise content management (ECM) and web content management (WCM).

What is a blog post?

The blog post is an entry point where you can write your own article which can be any topic.

It can include content like a form of text, photos, infographics, or videos.

What are posts in WordPress?

Posts are blog content of the website which is listed in reverse order (newest content on top).

Posts contain one title, one content or post descriptions, one featured photo and you can select a category of post.

You can add and edit your posts from the ‘Posts’ menu in your dashboard. Here is how Add New Post screen looks.

What are Pages in WordPress?

Pages are static content page types such as your about us page, privacy policy, contact page, etc.

You can add and edit pages in WordPress from the ‘Pages’ menu in your dashboard. Here is how to Add New Page screen looks like:

What are the Benefits of using the WordPress Platform?

  1. User-friendly Even for Beginners

A WordPress site can be installed and set up and run in some minutes.

WordPress can be installed and freely downloaded through WordPress through

Even beginners can set up WordPress and make pages and create a new post using WordPress CMS.

  1. WordPress themes offer multiple options

WordPress themes give users to select for the fine appearance and function of the new site. Themes can be previewed live and installed at any time to change the look and layout of your WordPress site.

  1. Plugins give you more Functionality

WordPress provides all the elements needed to create a basic website, but many other users want more specialized functions related to a website specific need. But users can install plugins from the plugins menu.

  1. WordPress Sites Rank High

Searchability is key to ranking high on Google and other search engines. WordPress includes a variety of tools and plugins for optimizing content for SEO (search engine optimization).

  1. WordPress Sites are Mobile Responsive

Your websites need to look good and attractive on any device. WordPress offers a variety of responsive theme designs, and users can also make the static site responsive with plugins and adjustments to theme files.