Month: November 2022

Website Development: Website is an Asset for any Businesses. How?

*- Are you trying to find some solid reasons why you should do website development for your company?

⇒ Excellent, you have exactly arrived where you should be. This article explains the significance of website development, as well as the many reasons why it’s important and how it may be the best asset for the company.

*- Do website development so crucial for the online presence? This is the question you need to ask as the company owner.

⇒ Let me make this clear to you. Frankly and truthfully speaking, users generate opinions about your website in roughly 50 milliseconds, deciding whether they like it or not.

As the internet continues to expand every day, more individuals are searching for products or at the very least visiting websites that might interest them. This increases your customer base potentially. Your website needs to be user-friendly, simple to use, and informative in order to attract those individuals. Therefore, you must make sure that your website is well-built.

The website plays a crucial role in helping the company grow immensely since it provides a 24/7 online presence, establishes credibility and builds trust, increases exposure, engages in marketing, and does much more.

It is not easy to develop a website, there are a lot of things to be taken care of. Everything must be considered for successful website building, including color schemes, content, graphic layout, hosting, SEO, and more. As a result, companies hire a qualified Web Development Agency to assist them in developing a website that is specifically designed to meet their demands.

Website Development?

Website/Web Development is a process of building a website where multiple things go in like graphic design, programming, hosting, and other required components. With the help of a web design consultant and the website development company you hired, web pages will be built with original material tailored to the needs of the website owner’s company. In general, those companies who has product or services to sell online, must build a website and offer their goods or services online.

Website Development Importance for Your Business

Solid Online Presence

A website’s accessibility to anybody, anywhere, at any time is one of its key benefits. It is no doubt that people are increasingly using the internet and shifting online more and more these days. A website also helps you establish a strong internet presence. Even if your goods and services are excellent, you won’t be able to attain the success you desire if no one knows you even exist. So, here website works as a messenger that you exist online and anyone can communicate with your company and its products or services.

Improved User Engagement

People no longer visit physically to any business because of how the times have changed. Most customers in this day and age now shop online. As a result, companies are urged to create excellent websites. Additionally, businesses may keep clients updated at all times through websites and user participation. Customers will be the first to learn about anything new is introduced, pricing adjustments, etc.

Impression for Customer Service

No matter what, customers evaluate how you could treat them depending on your website. The way your website is designed reveals how you view your audience. The audience feels more comfortable and at home with the websites that are easy to use. Therefore, as a business, you must concentrate on developing a quality website if you want to create a positive impression of your customer service. Otherwise, they will switch to the websites of other companies.

Better Brand Image

In the cutthroat business world of today, brand image is important. Whatever your business, you need a strong brand to stand out from the crowd and get clients’ attention. Having said that, building a website is a terrific method to give your business a distinctive brand identity. A logo, photos, and other visual elements on a website may reflect a distinctive presence for your company and set you apart from competitors.

Enables Wider Reach

Today, it is crucial for companies to reach as many clients as possible. However, the most fundamental and popular method for companies to reach a larger audience internationally is through website development. Companies may reach a wider audience and draw in all potential leads and customers with the aid of a solid website. The greater the business’s reach, the more it will be able to win client’s respect and trust that results in increasing sales and profitability.

Cost-Effective Solution

Running any business in the modern digital age without a website is akin to warmly welcoming failure to your door. Website Development is a solution that is cost effective. Focusing on structuring of the content throughout website development will help you save a lot of money. Nevertheless, for small and large businesses alike, as well as startups, website development may be both profitable and cost-effective. In a gist, website development is affordable.

Maintains Consistency

It’s not simple to generate fresh leads for your companies. Getting excellent leads and converting site visitors into devoted clients need a lot of work. How do you do that? The answer is simple, you maintain consistency. Website development is the greatest approach to establish and keep uniformity across all pages of your website. Visitors are more likely to feel linked when all of your pages have the same design, layout, style, and fonts. Additionally, it aids in recognition of your brand.

Helps in SEO Strategy

SEO has become an essential component in the creation of websites in today’s content-driven environment. Today, every company aspires to rank high on search engine result pages (SERPs). Nevertheless, this all can be achieved through web design and development. The variables may include page load time, keywords & image optimization, navigation, linking, and many other things.

Maximum Sales and ROI

Whatever your company’s overarching purpose may be, all businesses share the desire to boost sales. Increasing sales may help businesses generate a higher return on investment and increase their profits. As, the majority of the audience is online, and the website may assist you in attracting a growing number of customers to your business. Additionally, there will be more growth to online transactions.

Final Thoughts

Since the internet is still evolving at an unparalleled rate, businesses who want to succeed online must develop creative online marketing strategies. The importance of websites in today’s corporate growth has thus been established. The creation of a top-notch website ought to be your first priority if you want to help your company achieve its greatest achievements.

Therefore, don’t wait any longer and start creating an easy-to-use website for your company with best website development agency in Nepal.

Why you should Optimize Images for the Web?

Optimize Images for the Web

Optimizing a Website is directly related to optimizing images. Almost all websites have images as a necessary component, which improves the user experience for visitors. Modern fashion favors huge photos, yet photos with higher resolution are larger in file size, and this results in slower loading of web pages. Most of the time, a slow website has the unintended impact of reducing the desired user experience. The primary reason for a slow website is its enormous picture size. Because of this, you should optimize your images by reducing their file size to hasten the loading of your web pages. The most popular image compression techniques which are typically carried out by a plugin or script will be covered in detail in this article.

According to HTTP Archive, images account for about 25% of a webpage’s overall load. Images and video files should therefore be among your priorities if you choose to optimize your website. They are just as crucial as JavaScript and third-party tools (like bots, and analytics). Although the image optimization procedure is not difficult to implement, many people choose to neglect it.

Question:  “Are there any other advantages to having optimized photos on your website?”

Answer: “Yes, there are a variety of advantages to optimizing photos for improved performance.”

Advantages to optimizing photos

  1. Improving Website Load Speed

    The time it takes for a web page to fully load is known as page load speed. It relies on a variety of variables, such as the hosting of your website and its structure & design. The user preference is for websites that load in under two seconds. Given that photos make up the majority of a website’s weight, optimizing them will significantly increase your website’s speed. It ensures a smooth experience for visitors to your website, as this will increases the number of users that interact with your services.

  2. Improving SEO rank

    Your website appears better in search engine results with optimized images. Large files cause websites to load more slowly, and search engines despise slow websites. To index and crawl optimized photos more quickly, Google is also likely to do so. A Google Analytics plugin can be used to check the volume of Google image searches.

  3. Boosting Conversions.

    When you think of redesigning the website to boost conversions and expand your clientele then you must optimize the images of your website. You will greatly assist customers in finding the things they are seeking by offering a user-friendly website speed. Customers will be more devoted and more likely to convert and visit the website again. A satisfied consumer is hardly a myth, especially for websites that offer an excellent user experience.

  4. Reducing Bounce Rate.

    This is accomplished by optimizing the images on your website, increasing the speed at which the page loads, and enhancing the user experience as a whole. If your page loads quickly on all devices, users will visit it frequently. Users are more inclined to leave slow websites, it has been demonstrated. 25% of users leave websites after 2.5 seconds of loading time. If a consumer has a quicker experience on your website, they are more likely to visit time and again. This is because your page load speed boosts the return rate. As a result, page load time affects user happiness; nevertheless, page load time can be increased by optimizing online graphics.
    For the majority of browsers and network devices, using less bandwidth is preferred.
    Reduce the amount of storage on your server (this depends on the number of optimized images you used on your website).
    Quick Backup and smaller image file size result in an easy backup. Finding a balance between small file sizes and high image quality is the basic objective of image optimization. There are various methods for optimizing photographs. One well-liked method is to reduce their file size before publishing the images online. And another way is using plugins or a program like ImageOptim that can perform compression.

Advantages of Image Optimization

  • Reduced Bounce Rate.
    No need to wait for the website to load means fewer users impatiently abandoning your site.
  • Better Google rank.
    Bots are more likely to index images they deem better optimized and user-friendly.
  • Improved User Experience.
    Better load times offer a seamless user experience and reduce unpleasant waiting.
  • More sustainability.
    Images with reduced file size mean less bandwidth use and less energy consumed.
  • Faster Backups.
    Images that don’t weigh down your website will be easier and faster to copy.

File Types and Image Compression

The two fundamental factors to think about are the file format and the kind of compression you employ. You can reduce the size of your image by up to five times by utilizing the right file type and compression technique. Select the optimum file type before performing picture compression. To find the optimum file format, you’ll need to experiment with a few.

You can select from the following file types for use on websites:


24 bits per dot are supported where brightness, blue, and red uses 8 bits respectively. JPEG is referred to as the “genuine” format because it exhibits the image as accurately as possible. In terms of usage, it uses lossy and lossless optimization.


High-quality images are produced; however, the file size is greater. It was developed as a lossless image format but is also capable of lossy compression. PNG files are required if the image has translucent areas and JPG is preferable if it does not.


Google created this file format, which can handle both lossless and lossy compression. Compared to JPEG and PNG, it can lower the size of an image file while maintaining quality by up to 35%.


This is a Two-dimensional vector format created by the W3C. Vector forms, raster (bitmap), and text can all be found in SVG files. With this format, compression is lossless.

Lossless compression refers to a process whereby an image’s size is decreased without compromising the image’s quality. This will always be true, regardless of how often you compress and decompress an image; both the data included in the image and its original quality will always be the same.

Lossy compression is a sort of compression where the quality of the image file declines with each image compression and decompression and it displays worse and worse data. Lossy compression’s main benefit is that it can significantly reduce the size of image files. Let’s say you have 2 MB size images and this can reduce up to 200 KB.

How and when should compression be used?

You can choose between these two compression techniques based on how much detail has to be preserved in a particular image. Lossless compression is preferred if you wish to maintain your images in their original quality and size while storing them.

Image Optimization Options

Manual Compression

You can experiment with various file types and use the “Save for web” feature that some photo editors have like Adobe Photoshop. Experiments can be done to find out the ideal ratio between file size and quality loss. If an image on your website takes a long time to load, you should either lower the resolution, apply compression, or possibly even do both. The TinyPNG online service, which may further reduce the size of PNG and JPEG images, is another resource that could be useful. The benefit of this service is that it can simultaneously optimize up to 20 photos.

ImageOptim tool

It is an application for macOS that allows for quick picture compression; all you have to do is drag and drop image files there to have the original files replaced with optimized versions. It also features a variety of settings for optimal preferences. With no file size restrictions, it is free. Many design firms use this app.

Using ‘srcset’ attributes

This allows for the division of the original, typically images of large size into smaller ones. With these features, mobile devices can use 720px images instead of the original 1920px wide image, which is more than suitable for them and is also obviously lighter in weight.

Automatic Optimization for Content Management Systems (CMS)

Numerous plugins for various CMSs are available that automatically optimize images as they are uploaded to the server. ShortPixel image optimizer, Imagify image optimizer, EWWW, etc., are the most widely used plugins. We advise reading the plugin’s documentation before selecting it so you can understand how it operates as some of them can be problematic. Though these plugins have a free trial version that supports limited images, for the rest you have to pay charges frequently. Since image compression places a significant burden on the server’s CPU, the majority of server providers do not provide automated compression of uploaded photos; instead, plugins perform this function on external servers for which they charge a fee.

Lazy Loading

Lazy loading is an additional technique for accelerating the loading of images. This method optimizes the content that is first displayed to the visitor and delays the download & display of the content. For the lazy load to function, a web browser must first load text-only information without any accompanying graphics or videos. When a visitor scrolls down and views that section of the website, the download, and display of subsequent photos and videos will begin. Every website has the crucial feature of lazy loading. It can delay downloads until you need them which prevents all of the images from being downloaded at once when you first view the website.

A sitemap should contain the images. It is a good idea to incorporate images in your sitemap because it aids web browsers in locating new information. In Google’s picture search results, which make up around 10% of all search traffic, photos will now surface more quickly as a result.

What makes Genesis Web Technology different from the competition?

Your web pages will load more quickly if you select the appropriate format and optimize the photos for the best results. Visitors and web browsers will appreciate this and will thank you for it. So, uploading images with the appropriate file sizes and image dimension is a must. These two elements are crucial for image optimization.

As you are the owner of the website, you can minimize load times by optimizing your website’s photos. Knowing when to utilize a JPEG, PNG, WEBP, or SVG is a crucial component of a smart design strategy because it allows you to drastically cut file sizes and improve the user experience while browsing your website.

Genesis is one of the best Web Development Company in Nepal, and we look each and every section in detail so that your website never stays behind your competitors. Trust You, Trust Genesis.

Which is better ? Flutter or Native App Development

Google announced the mobile UI framework in 2017, named “Flutter“. It is free and open-source and also gaining quick popularity for the creation of mobile apps.

Apart from other benefits, Flutter benefits with the use of a single codebase where developers can create mobile apps for both iOS and Android simultaneously. There is no added time and expense of creating two separate apps with different codebases for each platform. Flutter apps seem as close to native as they can.

This article will focus on the comparison between native mobile app production and Flutter app development, its technology, & advantages.


Flutter is open-source and free. It has a common codebase and a user-friendly UI framework, making it easy for any developer to utilize when building apps for many ecosystems, particularly iOS (Apple) and Android.

The Foundation of Flutter is the Dart programming language, developed by Google in 2011. Since then, it has advanced significantly, and it can now be used in conjunction with other programming languages to create unique apps using Flutter.

Flutter Technology Usage and Importance For App Development

Many brands & companies like Google, Groupon, Square, eBay, BMW, Capital One, Alibaba Group, and countless other organizations use apps made by Flutter and Flutter for app development. Many App Development Companies with their clients have mentioned tons of benefits of Flutter.

Real-time compilation:

Flutter got a Hot-Reload feature that lets the developer see changes in real time. There isn’t much time between making changes and seeing them reflected in the application. Naturally, substantial changes require reloading the program.

However, smaller UI-based design adjustments can be accomplished instantly. Clients can more easily see what you’re working on without having to wait for a lengthy compilation to go up.

Learning and Using is Simple and easy:

Flutter is user-friendly and the modern-day framework. Without writing tons of new code or dealing with coding trouble, developers may design mobile apps that feel and look like native apps.

Well Documented:

Flutter’s Documentation is well managed and contains a lot of information in contrast to some open-source projects. Also, it has primary use cases and provides answers to any queries one could have during the development of the app.

Ideal for MVPs:

Flutter reduces the time taken to develop a mobile app. This will help in quicker speed to market and at a lower cost app will be ready to publish. This is a significant benefit for businesses wishing to develop a mobile app at a reasonable cost as well as startups building MVPs.

The essential beauty of Flutter is that no any users will be able to tell the difference between a Flutter app and a native app. It will appear and feel the same to the user.

Flutter vs. Native Mobile App Development

Flutter is supported by a vibrant developer community and two popular IDEs i.e., Android Studio (IntelliJ) and VS-Code. Additionally, adopting Flutter eliminates the need to independently design apps for each platform. Instead of having numerous teams, the same app development team might work on and deploy one app for each client, charging the client extra money in the process.

Flutter saves both time and money of the clients and nothing could be better than this advantage. Along with having many capabilities that feel organic, it also has a stunning user interface for creating and designing apps. As a result, once an app is released, clients will not only appreciate it, but it will also be simpler to maintain and make improvements when new features and upgrades are required.

In contrast, creating native apps is more difficult and expensive. An app will take longer to deploy if its development costs are higher. Additionally, since they won’t be using the same codebase, more things can go wrong when creating an app for many platforms.

All Rounder Solution

A flutter is a fantastic tool for creating mobile apps. Over 2 million developers have used it to date, with at least 500,000 using Flutter each month, from indie games to applications produced by well-known worldwide corporations.

When Flutter 3.0 was released, it offered more options for many platforms. Now, programmers may create applications for Windows, macOS, Linux, iOS, Android, and the web. Now that developers can create apps for both web-based browsers and mobile platforms, they are even more useful.

In the gist, it is believable that Flutter is what you need for app development. It is for sure that apps created with Flutter help businesses gain more.

Genesis can offer you a committed group of knowledgeable native and Flutter app developers.

To begin, Get in Touch with us immediately.